In a rapidly changing business world, corporates are threatened by evolving technologies, aggressive competition, and constantly changing customer needs. To stay ahead of the game, companies need to continuously re-invent themselves – and do it fast.

Here is where “venture building” comes into play. It’s the practice of combining corporate assets with the speed and agility of startups to develop innovative business models outside the core.

Built outside the core processes and structures, corporate ventures or startups have the chance to tap into new market opportunities with several competitive advantages over non-corporate startups. 

Advantages of corporate ventures

Leverage agility and speed

Agile operations allow the venture to respond fast and effectively to the market and hence provide advantages over the competition.

Live an entrepreneurial culture

Learning fast from failure, encouraging braveness and flexibility enable ventures to build cutting-edge solutions.

Attract talent and funding

The combination of existing corporate assets and startup innovation capabilities makes ventures attractive to talent and investors.

Established Networks

Corporate ventures accelerate their development through existing supply chains and strong and effective sales networks.

Strong financial resources

Building on already existing corporate resources and access to a sound financial basis make ventures fly.

Operational Excellence

Leveraging well-established and efficient processes and corporate capabilities gives ventures a head start.


To ensure the right environment for corporate ventures to grow, we help companies build and run their own corporate venture studio based on three major pillars:

Goal to continuously develop new business in alignment with the corporate strategy

A dedicated team of startup founders and people experienced with building new business

A long-term commitment of resources to build portfolios of new business

Two people working

Two steps for building successful ventures

We believe in a strong co-existence of a clear strategy and organizational
setup with a powerful execution of individual corporate ventures.

(1) Designing the venture studio

As dedicated experts in corporate innovation and entrepreneurship, we help corporates
with the organizational setup of a venture studio that is aligned with the corporate innovation strategy
in its architecture, processes, roles, team, impact measurement, and more.

Setup phase

In collaboration with the management team, we define a strategic portfolio for positioning and building future ventures.

Design phase

Based on the companies’ assets, capabilities and structures we design the team, processes, goals, and growth plan for venture rollout.

Opportunity selection phase

By connecting to existing processes, we ramp up the venture studio and start the ideation, evaluation, and selection of promising opportunities.

(2) Building corporate ventures

As enthusiastic innovators and product developers, we help corporates to grow their ventures.
We do so by adding needed capabilities to the team, getting involved in coaching, and providing network access.

Exploration phase

We explore customer needs with different research methods and build first prototypes to test the developed value propositions.

MVP testing phase

We develop a minimum viable solution and launch pilot projects in test markets. In parallel, we recruit a powerful venture team.

Go-to-market phase

After validating the MVP, we set up the necessary contracts, define the target markets, and set up an efficient operating model.


HYVE and Pioneers – two leading innovation consultancies – are joining forces to offer 360-degree solutions which can be tailored to corporate needs. With our proven approach and experienced team of in-house experts, we build and enable successful ventures.

With our diverse team of venture architects and venture consultants combined with an expert network means you have the right professionals on hand to perfect your offering – from research and design to marketing and sales, and more.

team working on a canvas

Our Clients

Together, HYVE and Pioneers have more than 28 years of combined experience working with corporations.
The majority of DAX- and ATX-listed companies are among our customers. At the same time, we have successfully
launched start-ups and guided our customers on the way to start-up ventures.

The Venture Building Core Team

Anton Schillig


Johann Füller


Thomas Offner

OFFNER.tech GmbH

Florian Then


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