Pioneers Discover, together with two of Austria’s most established corporations, is looking for quality startups to take part in two recently launched international programs. The programs cover Fintech, mobility, work-life balance, nutrition and fitness, with application deadlines of July 31.
Pioneers Discover, the driving force of corporate innovations at Pioneers, has teamed up with two well-established Austrian corporations, Raiffeisen Bank International and Energie Steiermark, and is now looking for startups to join the programs. Depending on their areas of business interest, startups can take advantage of one of these financial investment and business development opportunities.
Next-Incubator: Mobility, work-life balance, nutrition and fitness
The Next-Incubator is the open innovation lab of Energie Steiermark, one of the largest service companies in Austria. Together with Energie Steiermark, Pioneers Discover is looking for startups and innovators to jointly develop products and services for new digital businesses. The four main focus areas are: Work-life balance, Nutrition, Fitness and Mobility. As part of the program startups can expect financial support, lead-user and market access as well as administrative support. The main objective is to develop innovative and scalable products, services and business models. Prerequisites for the program are a working prototype and an innovative, scalable solution. The call is open until July 31 with the program starting in November 2017.
Apply: https://next-incubator.e-steiermark.com/en
RBI Elevator Lab
The other opportunity is the Elevator Lab program, the new Fintech accelerator for Raiffeisen Bank International AG. The goal of the accelerator is to jointly develop scalable business cases and enable international growth for startups by becoming the partner of choice for innovative Fintech services in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). The main focus areas are Big Data Analytics, Branch of the Future, Investing and Trading Tech, Payment and Transactions, RegTech and SME Banking. Applications are open until 31 July and the program starts in September. For more details please read our interview with Raiffeisen Plenipotentiary Michael Höllerer here.
Apply: http://www.elevator-lab.com/
For more details on Pioneers Discover startup opportunities, please visit: https://pioneers.io/discover/open-calls#/