Let us introduce you to Parkbob, a Vienna-based smart-parking service and Pioneers Ventures’ most recent investment. The EUR 250K deal gives Parkbob the chance to keep on working on their technology and launch the groundbreaking “Parkfinder” functionality. It will also allow Parkbob to cover 25 major European cities in the near future. The Parkbob “Vienna Edition” is already available for iPhone and Android.
From parking geo-information, rules and restrictions to real-time availability, Parkbob covers the last mile of the navigation process in the car. The solution automatically knows where parking is allowed, at what time and at what cost. Starting from April it will show free parking spots in real-time.
“We have talked to hundreds of drivers on how to improve their daily parking experience. We are convinced that we will be able to solve the hassles of on-street parking once and for all," explains CEO Christian Adelsberger.
Known as a pre-seed investment firm, Pioneers Ventures will not only provide Parkbob with funding, but will also support them with access to potential partners, global visibility and access to the extensive network of their parent company Pioneers.io. The Investment Managers Philipp Stangl and Markus Lang make sure Pioneers’ venture fund is administered well. This year Ventures has really taken off, “so we have some money to spend”, laughs Markus Lang. Then in a more serious tone, Markus Lang explains Pioneers’ mission behind the investments:
“We want to involve ourselves with outstanding digital tech startups from Europe. We’re looking for amazing and well-functioning teams, growing markets and, of course, great ideas."
And great ideas they find. Philipp Stangl is convinced of their choice in Parkbob by stating that “Parkbob has a unique combination of a sensing software development kit (SDK), big data, and geographic information, which paired with an excellent team is a strong combination. We believe in the team and think our network will be of great help to them.”
So together with Viennese Business Angels Nikolaus Futter, Martin Egger and Markus Ertler Pioneers Ventures is off to a great start this year. Parkbob is their second investment after Cloudo and will certainly not be their last.
A1 has already congratulated Parkbob and Pioneers Ventures for the successful deal: http://www.ots.at/presseaussendung/OTS_20160218_OTS0108/a1-start-up-campus-gratuliert-pioneers-ventures-investiert-250000-euro-in-parkbob
Also check out the official press release here: http://www.ots.at/presseaussendung/OTS_20160218_OTS0025/pioneers-ventures-investiert-in-smart-parking-startup-parkbob